Five Quick and Easy Labor Day Weekend Projects Around the Lawn

5 Easy Projects to get your Lawn Ready for Fall

Each year, Labor Day comes along to celebrate you!  You’ve been working hard all year long and it shows!  To celebrate all that you do, we’re giving you the day off!  So take an extra long weekend and relax!  Kick back and enjoy some “you time!”  Labor Day weekend is also great for getting in a few projects around the lawn.  With Fall right around the corner, now is the time to prepare for the incoming colder months.  If you’re trying to get some work done this extra long weekend, here are five easy projects for your labor day weekend.

pruning_tree1. Prune Trees

After only a few minutes with a pruner, your trees and shrubbery will be looking great!  Clear way those dead branches and unsightly twigs.  Trimming away any out of control limbs will be sure to give your trees a clean appearance.

aerator2.  Aerate your Lawn

Over the summer, you probably put a lot of pressure on your lawn – literally.  When soil becomes compacted due to high traffic and usage, it becomes harder for it to receive nutrients and oxygen.  Regularly aerating your lawn drastically improve it’s ability to breathe properly, which will result in a beautiful, deep green color.

And for most cool season grasses , the best time to aerate is RIGHT NOW!  Early fall aerating will help to promote healthy growth and aeration when your lawn needs it the most!

edge3. Edge Sidewalks

If weeds and grass are starting to creep up onto your sidewalk or driveway, you could probably stand edging.  Using an edger or weed trimmer, clean up along paths and walkways to give your exterior a neat, symmetrical look.

bm218164. Mulch your Lawn

Mulch Kits do wonders for your lawn’s health and appearance!  They dramatically reduce the size of your lawn clippings, which makes it easier for them to break down.  Fall is also the best time to mulch your lawn!  Using a mulching kit promotes healthy growth and aeration, while severely reducing damaging thatch buildup.  Mulch Kits are also incredibly easy to install!  If you don’t have one, then it look’s like you’ve found your Labor Day plans!

bolt5. Sharpen your Mower Blades

Just as it’s important to keep your lawn maintained heading into Fall, it’s equally important to maintain your lawn mower!  By this point in the summer, your lawn mower blades have probably taken quite a beating.  Dull or chipped lawn mower blades can leave your lawn looking dull.  If you’re not sure if your lawn mower blades need sharpening, look at your lawn right after you mow.  If your lawn looks white immediately after mowing, that means the grass blades are being torn, rather than cut, which is damaging to your lawn.  Replacing your lawn mower blades can be done in under 10 minutes, and it will do wonders for your lawn!

Along with maintaining your lawn before Fall, maintaining your lawn mower is just as important!  By now, your lawn mower blades have probably taken quite a beating.  Dull or chipped lawn mower blades can leave your lawn looking dull.  One telltale sign of dull blades is that your lawn will begin to look white right after you mow.  This is a sign that the grass blades are being torn, rather than cut.  If this is the case, then it’s time for a blade replacement.  Replacing your lawn mower blades is a simple task that can be done in under ten minutes.

By now, you’ve probably got a list of projects to do this weekend!  We hope you have a great Labor Day Weekend!

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